I absolutely LOVE this cooler but sunny weather. I kicked off running a little before 7am this morning, after Dean brought me over from where we have the campsite, so it was cool enough to need a jacket and gloves for the first 6-7 miles, but that’s a cozy space for me to be.

One of the first things I noticed was this dry stacked stone wall in Currie. That’s a lot of work and a lot of rock. There’s craftmanship in this that I only remember seeing in England.


“But, Kenny”, you say. “It’s just a rock wall! There are lots of rock walls where I am and nobody thinks about them at all!”

Listen up, Dr. Seuss – These things are tough to build and they’re truly an art form based on the vision of the builder. Check out some fantastic examples from around the world here.




The trail itself dipped pretty far South today before heading Northwest and finally out of Pender County.

The running went well. I’m not breaking any land speed records, but I was moving pretty well, between 11 and 14 minutes miles most of the day. I think I even saw a hill or two, but that may have been a hallucination.

There were a few tributaries of the Black River and eventually I crossed over the river itself, so I paused long enough for pictures and maybe a selfie.













I almost skipped one decently bizarre yard filled with the same statue over and over again. Each version slightly more colorful in its decoration. They reminded me of life-size versions of lead Dungeons & Dragons figures that I used to paint when I was in Middle School. I was waiting for one of them to come to life, honestly. It would have scared the pants off me, but I don’t think I would have been surprised.  I mean, just look at these things! Even Jesus is praying for relief.


























I think I mentioned it yesterday, but finally ran past/through Moores Creek Battlefield, where the tied of the Revolutionary War definitely took a positive turn for the Patriots/colonists in February of 1776, when a bunch of otherwise un-military militia captured some of the King’s men as they attempted to cross the creek bridge on their way to meet up with other loyalists.












I’m still deeply in farm country, but there doesn’t seem to be as much distrust or seclusion as other areas I have run past. The cows look at me funny, but I get it. I seem to always wave and say “hi” right in the middle of a meal, I think. Usually breakfast. Maybe brunch. I don’t get offended and let them carry on with their business of chewing whatever it is they’re chewing.





About mile 15, I ran past more game land and saw one of the most comfortable hunting stands ever. They did a pretty decent jobs of camouflaging  it, but I still think the animals will see them. What do I know? I’m really more of a gatherer. Perhaps a “grazer” would be more accurate. Maybe that’s why the cows look at me funny. They think I’m on the wrong side of the fence.





I ran past a Volvo that is definitely way cooler than my first Volvo. But does it have cup holders?






















My legs were doing great until mile 20-21, then the protestations began. I ignored them for as long as I could, but you can only get away with yelling “Public Enemy” lyrics so long before the motivational component wears out and even your adoring fans insist you use your inside voice all the time – regardless of whether you’re inside or not.







I dialed it back for the last couple of miles to the Kelly General Store, and honestly was surprised when the day ended. Thanks to all of you for helping motivate me through every day. My music playlist helped. There may or may not have been something on there from the “Trolls” Soundtrack.





Be light. Live well. Smile until it’s obnoxious. Keep moving forward.


2 Responses

    1. Thanks, Kelly! Looking forward to seeing you again, soon!